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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Mandy (Jensen) Larsen

Lance and I were married in March. I never thought I would be living in Sevier County again, but here I am. Lance is busy with his store Larsen's Ace Hardware, and I am practicing law.


the coltons said...

mandy, (this is erin) congrats on the wedding! i was out of town that weekend, otherwise i would have come to your reception - it's about a mile from our place. anyway, congrats and don't worry about living in sevier county - lots of peeps are doing it these days :) email me!

Anonymous said...

Where do you live in little old Sevier County and you've got to love it here. I'm excited to be living down here again. I'm sad to say it's been my goal to get back here. Congrats on the Wedding as well.

The Larsens said...

We live in Richfield in the condos across the street from the hospital until we buy a house or build.

Anonymous said...

Nice we should play games... I like to play games

Donnie and Kristi said...

Hey! I want to read your blog! Invite me! I used to work with Lance...and I guess now that I think about it, you're related to my sister Tracy...she's married to Lances cousin Rodney, but you probably already knew that!

The Larsens said...

It isn't private anymore. Enjoy.